HGE - Episode 04 - Rendezvous for Interrogation
The Holy Galactic Empire Episode 04 - Rendezvous for Interrogation Captain Brisbin watched as the shuttle settled down onto the landing pad. She had to work to keep her simmering fury from showing on her face. After the Osprey had been the first and only ship to even come close to an effective defence against these raiders, she had been quickly and unceremonious recalled to Fleet HQ. Alison had been given no reason for this recall order. Then a shuttle had hailed giving generic admiralty codes and requesting a rendezvous. She strongly suspected that whatever the reason behind this shuttle, it was only going to make her angrier. The shuttle's hatch hissed open and a marine Alison didn't recognize strode out. The marine wore standard Dutchy marine uniform. The marks of rank marked her as a Captain. The unusual thing was the lack of any other badges on the uniform. There were no medals of certification or accomplishment. There was no badge of assignment. G...