Into the Other - Chapter 00 - The First Aggression
People have thought many things of dreams. They have thought them prophecies, messages from the gods, or boringly thought dreams were their unconscious mind working things out. These are all right, but only in part. Dreams are so much more than that. People have thought many things of death. They have thought it an end, a beginning, one step in a continuing journey. These are all right, but only in part. Death is so much more than that. What people don’t understand is that dreaming and dying are the same thing; the only difference is that you come back from dreaming. When you die, when you dream, you enter the Other. The Other is a place where anything is possible, yet few things happen there of true importance. This is a story of when the course of history flowed through the Other. We begin with the first known act of aggression among those of the Other. The being known as Proll was floating in his domain of endless prairies stretching out as far as he could imagine. The...