The Books of the Seven
The Books of the Seven
The following is a collection of writings concerning the Seven and their works. They are written by various authors and have varying tones. Some are scholarly writings while others have the tone of religious texts.
Creation of the Universe
0 In the beginning there was the Void. The Void was all and the Void was nothing and there was nothing but the Void. 1 And into the Void came the Seven Gods. It began with the First, and then the Second, and then the Third, and then the Fourth, and then the Fifth, and then the Sixth, and finally the Seventh. 2 And with the Seventh and final god, came Time. And as the Seventh came into existence alongside Time, the Seventh was blessed with the sight to pierce Time’s veil. 3 The Sixth saw that the Void was empty so created the World. The Sixth created the Earth and the Sun to light the day and the Moon and stars to light the night. 4 The Fifth saw that the Earth was silent so created Life and Love. The Fifth created the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the animals of the land. 5 The Fourth saw the Life the Fifth had created. The Fourth saw the discord and chaos it caused so brought balance by creating Death upon the Earth. 6 The Third saw the iniquity and abuse that Death had brought and so brought Justice. The Third brought Law and Morality to the Earth. 7 The Second saw the balance and harmony of the Earth and deemed it blasphemy and so created Evil to combat it. 8 The First saw all that had been created: Time, the World, Life and Love, Death, Justice, and Evil. The First saw all that there was to see. And so brought Humanity upon the Earth. The First gave Humanity something no other being save the Seven possessed, Free Will. 9 And so it was that the Void was filled with all of Creation.
The Nature of the Seven
1 The Seven remained nameless for many eons and ages. They were known only to each other. No names were needed. 2 After the Fifth created Life and all the creatures that followed, they called the Seven by many names. The Seven were called Gods. 3 The Seven wore their names like a man wears clothes. They changed and sometimes traded between them. Names were unimportant and frivolous things to them. 4 Only their order of creation remained constant. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh. 5 In this, the present age, the First is known as Gabe, the Second as Luke, the Third as Justine, the Fourth as Daven, the Fifth as Penelope, the Sixth as Vick, and the Seventh as Mary. 6 These names too will change. They are but mantles to be cast off as it comes time for another to be picked up.
7 The Seven often manifest their appearance as human although they can also appear as other species or something entirely unique. 8 While some of the Seven seem to have a preferred appearance and gender when they manifest, they are by no means bound to maintain it. 9 The Seventh is perhaps the most consistent in manifesting as a woman, but there are occasions when the Seventh has manifested as a man and even a large white cat. 10 The Second is known for manifesting as unique creatures with little to no similarity to any known species.
11 The Seven are individually omnipotent. On their own, they are individually capable of creation, destruction, or transformation of anything they desire. 12 The only restrictions upon the power of the Seven are those restrictions they place upon each other. 13 When two of the Seven attempt to act in opposition, their omnipotent power cancels out. 14 The Seven are also bound by any deals they have sworn to abide by. Over the millennia, the growing number of deals upon each of the Seven has greatly restricted their abilities.
7 The Seven often manifest their appearance as human although they can also appear as other species or something entirely unique. 8 While some of the Seven seem to have a preferred appearance and gender when they manifest, they are by no means bound to maintain it. 9 The Seventh is perhaps the most consistent in manifesting as a woman, but there are occasions when the Seventh has manifested as a man and even a large white cat. 10 The Second is known for manifesting as unique creatures with little to no similarity to any known species.
11 The Seven are individually omnipotent. On their own, they are individually capable of creation, destruction, or transformation of anything they desire. 12 The only restrictions upon the power of the Seven are those restrictions they place upon each other. 13 When two of the Seven attempt to act in opposition, their omnipotent power cancels out. 14 The Seven are also bound by any deals they have sworn to abide by. Over the millennia, the growing number of deals upon each of the Seven has greatly restricted their abilities.
Realms of the Seven
1 The Universe has been divided into several Realms. What follows is a list of the Realms and a brief description of each.
2 The Original Realm, also known as the Middle Realm, Midgard, or simply Earth, was created jointly by the Seven. It is where humanity and many other species reside. All of the other Realms connect with the Middle Realm. As such it is often a meeting ground for species which generally live in the other Realms.
3 Hades, also known as the Underworld, the World of the Dead, or more recently Hell, was created by the Fourth. It is where most human souls go when they die.
4 Little specifics are known of Heaven, also known as the Overworld. It was created by the First and some human souls are brought here after death instead of Hades. The specific reason for why some human souls come to Heaven instead of Hades is unknown.
5 Avalon, the realm of the Fae Folk, was created by the Seventh. Avalon is further divided into the Seelie and Unseelie domains. Avalon is probably the most easily accessed Realm after Earth as the Fae often create portals from other Realms. While easily accessed, it not always easy to leave as most portals are one way.
6 The Tunnels between Realms are often referred to as their own Realm though there is some debate if they can properly be considered a Realm by themselves. Most say they were created by the Fifth. They provide a means of travelling between Realms though they are often difficult to navigate. Some report that the common laws of physics and logic break down or are malleable in places within the Tunnels.
The Creatures of the Seven
1 The Seven have created many different species of creatures. Many of these creations are widely known while others are not. What follows is list of commonly known creatures and a short description of each.
2 The most widely known species by far is that of humanity, created by the First. It is known for its unique Free Will. This Free Will has caused humanity to become the target of much of the Seven's attention since their creation.
3 The Fae Folk, also known as Fairies, were created by the Seventh. The are divided into two courts: the Seelie ruled by Queen Titania and the Unseelie ruled by Queen Mab. While Queen Titania is married to King Paris and Queen Mab is married to King Oberon, little loyalty or love is represented in these marriages. All Fae are infertile save when mating with someone of another species, most often a human. The Fae Folk are incapable of lying although they are fully capable of encouraging misunderstandings.
3 Hellhounds and valkyrie were created by the Fourth. They guard the spirits of the Underworld. Some believe they ensure that departing spirits reach the Underworld. Both have the ability to remain invisible to those they do not wish to be observed by. This ability makes it nearly impossible to study these creatures.
4 The vile creatures known as vampires were created by the Second. They are known for the violence and blood lust. While unaging, most vampires die within the first year of turning.
5 Shapeshifters of all kinds are generally believed to have been created by the Sixth. Shapeshifters are perhaps the most varied of species by their very nature. Some shapeshifters can only shift between two forms with little or no control. Others can shift between almost any form they can imagine with little effort or restriction.
6 Jinn, also known as Genie, while well known, are exceeding rare. Both they and those few they interact with tend to favor secrecy. While the common myth is that Jinn grant wishes, it is believed among scholars that they offer trades. What exactly Jinn trade for has been a subject of wild speculation for millenia. Their creator is unknown.
7 Elves, also known as Angels, were created by the First. Reports of their appearance and abilities vary wildly. Few reports of their appearance have been confirmed in millenia. They may be extinct.
8 Yeti, also known as Sasquatch, were created by the Fourth. They are solitary and secretive creatures. It is believed that no more than a dozen have existed at any one time. They usually go to great lengths to avoid other sentient creatures.
9 Dwarves and Leprechauns were created by the Fifth. They rarely leave the Tunnels between the Realms as they do not generally like outsiders. If they catch others attempting to traverse their Tunnels, they will require a toll to be paid.
10 Dragons, phoenix, basilisks, wyverns, griffins, unicorns, nymphs, chimera, and thunderbirds are all believed to be extinct. As such, little specifics are known of these creatures. Many legends exist of course, but few are confirmed or consistent. There may be many other fantastic creatures which went extinct long ago of which we have no knowledge.
11 There are of course demigods. These are half gods sired by one the Seven. Demigods are not exactly a species especially sense most are completely infertile. They are generally created by one of the Seven to act as their agent. Many are half human but not all. Little can be said of the group as whole.
12 Other creatures do not fall into a specific species. An example is the Kraken of the Depths. Little is known of this unique creature but it is believed that only one exists. The Kraken was likely created by the Fourth. The Seven have created other unique creatures such as the now deceased Sphinx.
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